Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Lockdown, Shutdown, and Everything in Between

I’ve failed at blogging lately. I realized that it’s been almost a month since I updated my readers on my life! In preparation for this blog, I had to even look back through my pictures to remember everything that has happened!
So let’s see, I went to my first Nats game, to a festival with 20 countries, a Turkish festival, a Jamaican festival, a neighborhood festival in Noma, and my mom came to visit and we went to the book festival. That’s a short recap. Now for the big highlights.

The government shut down (if you don’t know that, than you’re probably living under a rock ;), then there was a crazy car chase and shooting outside my window, then someone set himself on fire. Seriously crazy things are happening in DC. And the shooting was probably one of the scariest moments of my life. Terribly sad, but it is over now.

Yes, I’m still working and am not shutdown. CHIFF was introduced, that was exciting. Everyone should go to and check it out. I still read lots of articles on adoption, the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly. Mostly good though.

Right now, I am in the midst of 3 fancy events in one week! Last night was The Washington Center’s gala and it was awesome. As a part of the Ford Global Scholars program, I was required to go and talk with donors and participants in the gala. Lucky for me, one of my favorite senators, Senator Klobuchar was receiving an award. She happens to be one of the principal co-sponsors on our CHIFF legislation and a really cool person. So, of course I stalked her and got a picture with her after the gala was over. Also, we were able to have lunch with Ziad Ojakli who is a lobbyist for Ford and used to work in the bush administration. Luckily, I was able to sit next to him at the luncheon and talk to him about his career path. He was a really cool person and had a really interesting life.  Right now, I am helping the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute with their annual Angels in Adoption gala. It’s a really cool event where senators and representatives come together and nominate people in their district who have done big things in adoption in their communities. There are so many inspiring people who are getting awards and I can’t wait for the event! 

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