Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Ode to the Women of the Senate

Today as the clock struck noon, a fellow intern and I trekked over to the Senate Floor in hopes of seeing a vote to reopen the government. Unfortunately that has yet to happen, but instead we were delightfully surprised with some inspiring floor speeches from senators across the aisle. After Senators Reid and McConnell gave their opening statements, there was leftover time and senators began giving impromptu speeches. They spoke of their efforts to reopen the government and the turmoil it has caused throughout America. I watched Senator McCain walk in and give Senator Klobuchar a hug across the aisle. Then as Senators Pryor, Manchin, McCain, King, (all men) spoke it became increasingly apparent the crucial role women had played in the attempt to reopen the government. Senator Collins (R-Maine) spearheaded the effort and Senators Ayotte (R- NH) and Murkowski (R-AK) were the first to reach out and help. Then, the efforts reached across the aisle to Senators Heitkamp (D-ND) and Klobuchar (R-MN), these are all women… They quickly included men from both parties and one independent, but women still made up half of this coalition of 14 senators to reopen the government.
The women of the 113th Senate

Most women senators juggle so many roles of mother, wife, and senator, while facing more scrutiny about looks and their personal life than their male counterparts. 1992 was the first year there were more than two women at the same time in the senate. A mere 21 years ago. We now have 20 women: 16 democrats and 4 republicans, who began their own caucus to talk about issues over lunches, who repeatedly have met to find bipartisan solutions to problems, and who consistently support one another.  I do not brand myself a feminist, but I do believe there is something we can all learn from this teamwork. Whether it is that women appreciate their service more because they were just newly given the opportunities, I’m not sure, but hopefully this bipartisanship will continue extending to their male counterparts and across the aisle. I have been lucky to work for two amazing women senators, who serve as role models every day.

A few of my favorite women in power

"What I find is with all due deference to our male colleagues, that women's styles tend to be more collaborative.”- Senator Susan Collins

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