Monday, May 27, 2013

Halfway through College and DC's First Impressions

So, its been a little while since I blogged and I got slightly overwhelmed when I thought about everything that has happened in the past 3 weeks and how long my blog would have to be to talk about everything! But I’ll try to be concise.

First, I finished my sophomore year at TCU and I’m pretty sure I studied about twice as much this semester as every other one combined, I don’t think I’ll be taking 19 hours again anytime soon while interning, volunteering, having a position in my sorority, sga, clp yea the list goes on…. Summary: I survived, managed to keep my GPA stable and am done with econ forever, Hallelujah. I could write something sappy about being halfway done with college but I’m too busy for that now.

Then, I commenced the 8-hour drive back home and was there for approximately 11 hours before leaving for Alabama to go on a family vacation. After 3 days away, I came back to BR for 4 days where I managed to catch up with my friends from home before we all go our separate ways. It included a wonderful afternoon in the country of St. Francisville with my best friend Derby. Then it was off to DC!

Sunset over mobile bay

My mom and I arrived in the morning and went off to the National Portrait Gallery, where we saw lots of paintings organized by historical time periods, and it was neat to learn about historical people that I hadn’t previously heard of. Then, we took a walk along the Potomac and saw Watergate.  The following day, we ventured out to eastern market, which is a huge farmer’s market near where I live. Then, it was time to move into my new residence. Here, my room is much smaller than my dorm at TCU, but it doesn’t really matter because I don’t have very much stuff. That night, we went to target, which was my first taste of the big city because it was 3 stories high since everything is built up higher here. Then, I returned to my new home and took a tour where I made some new friends. More to come on my first week later!

Rainy Day at the Capitol

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