Monday, May 27, 2013

Colin Powell, John McCain, and Memorial Day: A Recap of my first week in the Nation's Capital.

I have now been a resident of DC for 8 days! To say I’m obsessed with this place would be an understatement. Thinking of everything I’ve done this week kind of made me overwhelmed, because I feel like so much has happened and that I’m a native, except for the fact that I still get lost almost everyday (minor detail). So what have I done you ask?

On Monday, I started my first day of work for a congressman. First we met the other interns, there are 4 of us, and then we went to tour training. This was slightly overwhelming because there is so much information to know about the capitol. Having gone on capitol tours before, I basically assumed the tour guides were pros. However, I quickly found out that tour guides are interns that went to a 3 hour training, or less, and if in a bind its easy to make things up… Not recommending this, just saying. We are definitely not experts. Then, we went to training for a software we use to communicate with our constituents called iconstituent. After that we returned to the office and we could leave. Monday also consisted of a surprise visitor, one of my best friends, Jenn! She was flying back to FW and amidst the tornadoes and canceled flights found herself stuck in the airport, so came to stay with me, it was fun, even if only for 8 hours!

Tuesday was my first real day! I shadowed a tour which takes about 2.5 hours and then worked on writing letters and opened mail for the rest of the day. That sounds kind of mundane, but we definitely get some entertaining letters and phone calls.
On Wednesday, I finally met the congressperson I work for. Without disclosing who it is, they were very nice and knew me even though we’d never met. Everyone in our office is very friendly and welcoming.  

On Thursday, the highlight had to be running into John McCain! Friday, I had off so I attempted to go to the American History museum, however, ended up in a different quadrant so I did a lot of walking and ended up exploring Dupont Circle before getting lunch with my cousin, Jill. On Saturday, I actually made it to the American History Museum with my friend Whitney who graduated from Baylor. We also went to Eastern Market, which was fun! We then got brunch and that night hung out with some new friends. Sunday, I went to church with my friend Oghogho who is from Nigeria and works for USAID, she’s lived in DC for a year and a half so she’s very knowledgeable about the area. Sunday night was definitely a highlight of my week! Whitney works for Speaker Boehner so we were able to sit on the Speaker’s terrace which is basically a big balcony of the Capitol and watch the memorial day concert. The concert was sad because it featured lots of stories from veterans but it was also heartwarming and amazing to see the city from high up. When we were leaving the Capitol we ran into Colin Powell and in typical intern, starstruck fashion, we all whipped out our Iphones to take pics.

Colin Powell in the Capitol!
On the Speaker's Terrace at the Concert

That’s basically a recap of everything that’s happened this week besides a few minor details like running the monuments, which I don’t think will ever get old because they’re so beautiful. Running in the morning with a group and exploring the congressional cemetery, and getting lost multiple times. Everyone is super friendly and wants to know you for the most part, even the people who have lived here for a little while. Although some of us literally have nothing in common, most of the people I meet are interns and we all have lots of interesting stories from the hill. I am now at least familiar with a couple areas: Dupont, the hill, Georgetown, Foggy Bottom, and Columbia heights. Pretty sure there are at least 25 different neighborhoods in DC so it might take until December to even visit all of them. But good news, I can now get to work without consulting google maps. It consists of 0.7 miles and one right turn. Shows how directionally challenged I am at times!

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