Thursday, November 28, 2013

Four Things I'm Thankful For

What are you thankful for?

Right now, I’m flying from DC to New Orleans to come home for the first time in 3 months. It feels like I haven’t been home in a while, since I was gone for the whole summer, even though I’ve heard the only exciting thing that’s changed is that we’ve gotten a Trader Joe’s ;) As I finish my summer and fall semester in DC and begin the holiday season, there are many things for which to be grateful.

- Family. Although my parents were initially resistant about me spending my whole summer in DC (I was home for 3 days after school ended), they let me go because they knew it’s what I’d always dreamed and wanted to do. I’m lucky to have parents who come visit me, partake in my life from adoption galas to half marathons, and believe in everything I do.

- People. In the past 6 months, I’ve met some of the most incredible people in the world. From the presidents of the world’s leading non-profits, to human trafficking survivors, my incredible foster friends, my classmates in Ford Scholars, fellow interns, congressmen and senators, friends from Model Un, this list could go on forever. These people have shaped me and taught me things I will never forget. (More to come on that in future posts)

- TCU. I’m thankful for TCU, even if it’s not always my favorite place in the world, I’m thankful for the trip 1.5 years ago that made me say I have to live here when I visited the Washington Center. Even though, I did not think it was remotely possible because of running, things do happen for a reason. Even though, I’m likely not returning to TCU, I learned so much about life, about myself, and about people and was presented with many opportunities and met friends that I will never forget.

- Opportunity. I’m thankful for the strangers and leaders that have believed in me thus far in my life. From the random people who decided I was good enough to intern and chose me for Ford, to my boss who smiled at me while I was stuffing folders and told me to remember this when I became an ambassador, I’m lucky to have these people shaping my life. And things like Alopecia and getting a sibling, which made me less of a spoiled brat.

Although this list is short, it sums up a lot. This thanksgiving season, take some time to think about what you’re thankful for and how you can use it to help others. 

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