Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Carpe-Dieming" DC

It’s November, and I’m sitting outside at the Tidal Basin where the trees are slowing losing their beauty. It’s warmer than it has been, so I took the opportunity to bike out here, do my homework, and enjoy the last inklings of fall. I can’t help think back to May when I sat on the same bench, writing during one of my days off. To think of the amazing experiences I have had and the people I’ve met in the past 6 months brings me to tears, and I don’t feel sentimental about very many other places… maybe highland road park.

If carpe diem could be used as a verb I think I’ve “carpe-diemed” most of my time here. I’ve rarely turned down opportunities and suffered a worthwhile lack of sleep for many of them. I’ve met so many incredible people and still unsure of what the spring will bring me, I’ll be sad to leave my Capitol Hill and Noma neighborhoods. There’s something about living less than a mile away from the Capitol and being able to walk almost anywhere in DC (if you really wanted to) that makes you realize, it can’t get much better than this. Realizing that I only have 18 days left in DC for a little while, even though I’ll hopefully be back soon enough, I really don’t have many regrets. There’s definitely something about knowing you’re in the right place that gives you a sense of peace. As for life, tomorrow I’m going to breakfast with Samantha Power and Cindy McCain and to a movie with Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Colin Powell. So I guess there’s no more time to be sentimental until I actually go home and enjoy these one-of-a-kind DC experiences.

On another note, I watched this video about an 11 year old coming out to her middle school about her alopecia and it also made me sentimental. Although I didn’t wear a wig in middle school, I loved her spunky personality. I know Alopecia changes some people, like me for the best. She says how she wants to tell everyone about it so that she can create a domino effect of inspiration. Love it. Here’s the link: http://vimeo.com/78995135
And on a lighter note, here is an excerpt from a hilarious and encapsulating article someone wrote about living in DC on thoughtcatalog.
“Get invited to a gala or staff your boss at an event. See people you only see on Huffington Post, New York times or CNN up close. Realize you are in the center of it all. Hear the President speak. See the crowd move. Shake his hand. Stare at hand. Call your parents.Pause on a beautiful spring day. Smell the cherry blossoms. Think: I live in DC.”

P.S. Let me know what you think about my new blog format please!

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