Sunday, September 8, 2013

I'm Back!!

I’m back!

After a brief DC hiatus, which included a trip home, to Texas, then back home I’m back in the district. Per usual, there have been many adventures thus far. I moved into my new apartment, down the street from where I lived this summer, on Wednesday ( a week and a half ago) morning. I was the first one of my roommates to move in and kind of nervous because they didn’t tell us any of their names so we couldn’t even facebook stalk them. Then I went to run some errands but left my number on the table and my roommate called me so we met up and went to Target.  On Wednesday night we had orientation for our housing, then on Thursday we had a main orientation. But we had free time during the afternoons so we did some grocery shopping and site seeing.

My roommates are from New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Mexico. They’re really nice and on Friday, I got home and my roommate from New Jersey (Mayar) had cooked dinner for everyone. It was a good surprise after a long week J

So, I finished my second-first week in the Senate on Friday. It’s much quieter because the senate is in recess but will get really busy again tomorrow. On Mondays, I have programming, which consists of speakers and workshops, so I don’t go into work. On Thursdays, I have class downtown, so it makes for a busy day of work and then going straight to class.  During class, we discuss our plans for Model United Nations. We found out the countries we are representing: Pakistan and the Philippines, so it will be a lot of work getting ready for the conference, which is at the end of October.

To sum up the last 2 weeks that I’ve been in DC, I’ve gone to Eastern Market with a bunch of people in my program, shopping with my friend from Brazil, to a concert on the Capitol lawn, to the Zoo, and to a concert in Maryland. Yesterday, I was also able to go to a running group and run 12 miles through Arlington and DC, past some embassies, through Rock Creek Park, Arlington Cemetery and the National Cathedral.

With my friend Mariana at the zoo
Breakfast at Eastern Market

In keeping with my tradition of sharing quotes and thoughts at the end of my blogs, this morning Max Lucado spoke at my church. His message was on his new book, You’ll Get Through This.  I’m not going through hard times right now but I think this quote is applicable and good to remember when we all go through hard times.

“You’ll get through this. It won’t be painless or quick. But God will use this mess for good. Don’t be foolish or naïve. But don’t despair either. With God’s help, you’ll get through this.”

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