Monday, July 8, 2013

Ode to a New Beginning

(Originally written 7/7)

Tomorrow I will begin a new internship that will last four weeks in the Senate. Although, I’ve cut through Hart Senate Building almost every day on my way to and from work for the past 6 weeks, tomorrow the long journey (cue sarcasm) across the street and to the elevator, literally, I predict it will take me approximately four minutes, what a commute, will be a little more special.

Because this internship is one I have wanted for the past 10 years (half of my life).

 Since I made my first trek to DC on behalf of Alopecia the summer after fourth grade and got to meet this Senator personally and was invited to Bring Your Daughter to Work Day I’ve wanted to intern for this Senator. Yes, I’ll admit, I actually cried when I found out I was accepted (cue spotted:DC Interns blog or buzzfeed: The Crying Intern)- both of those websites love to make fun of interns. I still remember, it was the beginning of April and I was walking out of my Disasters and Failures class (let’s hope that’s not some kind of omen) when they called me.  Prior to these experiences, my political knowledge came from my daily watching of Good Morning America, frequently watching Nancy Grace, and occasionally watching CSPAN.

This internship will be an interesting contrast to my previous one. The next few months will continue to be marked by new experiences and transitions. I’m in shock that there’s only a month (well kinda) left in the summer before heading to Baton Rouge for a day and then off to Texas for recruitment. Hopefully, I will be finalizing my internship for the fall in DC sometime in July (translation: getting an offer and accepting an internship). Looking forward to this new crop of interns- there will be about 10 in my new office- and some new adventures in July! 


  1. My favorite part of this post is the part where you talk about going to Texas for recruitment. You want to know why? Cause I get to see you!!!!!!! Woooooo!!!! I hope the next six weeks are full of great memories and experiences!!

  2. haha love you Bonich! Can't wait to see you too!
